ISO 14001
Environment Management System
ISO 14001 is a standard that states all the requisites for an environment management system (EMS) in an organization to enhance its environmental performance.
A quick overview of the standard
1Setting up an EMS
The standard mentions requisites for setting up an EMS which the company must abide by to monitor the organizational activities that interact with the environment such as waste handling, emissions etc.
2Processes Approach
Implementation of EMS is supported by setting up processes for resource allocation, competency requirements and proper documentation of activities as recommended by the standard.
3Impact Assessment and Emergency Preparedness
The standard requires analysis of activities that interact with environment and reduction of their detrimental impact. It promotes early identification of environmental aspects and emergency preparedness to respond in an environmentally responsible manner.
4Feedback mechanism
The standard suggests feedback mechanisms like internal audits and management review to measure the effectiveness as well as compliance of the EMS.
5Continual Improvement
The standard emphasizes the need to continually improve the EMS through corrective actions based on the feedbacks from performance evaluation.
How Certification Works
We are with you from start to finish
1Gap Analysis
Identify gaps in the current system. Assess organization needs.
Manual, SOP, work instructions, templates and checklists.
Awareness of the system and how to implement them.
What to do & how to do it. Monitor and measure performance.
Verify that the system is working effectively.
Gap Analysis
Before you start on the certification journey, it is worthwhile to see where you stand. Gap analysis is an objective evaluation of your organization’s current arrangements against the requirements of the ISO standard.
It will identify the ‘gaps’, allowing you to produce a more accurate project plan for filling those gaps and achieve ISO certification.
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